Are We Honest Like Animals?

Through all my experiences with animals, I have found them to be truly amazing and I have learned a lot. So question how we treat them and ask you to do the same.

8/5/20241 min read

Scientists are the first to claim we read feelings into the emotions we see animals expressing. I suspect that since scientists do not believe anything they cannot prove which also means what they witness visually, they choose not to accept that.

There is something more disturbing, I believe, at play though. That is the fact that scientists have been using animals in labs to prove theories through experiments and study. This practice is medieval in my estimation.

But the fact is, if scientists thought animals did have feelings, they could not continue to pursue this line of study without becoming guilty about hurting them. So they continue to subject these gentle creatures to all kinds of illness or insert contrivances in the name of science and progress.

So it is not surprising to me that some people cannot see the inner living being inside these creatures. What is surprising is how superior these people are in denying the right of other living things to be free and have a meaningful life.

Perhaps they should be subjected to endless Tik Tok videos or You Tube compilations of animals relating to humans and other species. If they fail to see a pattern, I submit that they are being dishonest.

Another point that seems to elude such individuals is that humans are well known for lying and avoiding the truth when it serves their purpose. In my world, that makes humans several degrees lower than the very animals they call dumb.

It also makes us as humans the dangerous species and unreliable since we cannot be trusted to be honest. I wonder why we think giving animals human attributes is such a good thing? Perhaps it is because we think ourselves superior and cannot imagine the animal world has something to teach us.