Plant Communication

I wanted to share how amazing our world is and how we are all connected in this article about how plants survive.

12/16/20241 min read

Have you ever wondered how plants know when to sprout out of the ground or flower or go to seed? We take a lot of things for granted including the fact that plants do communicate to creatures in the ground and the insects that depend on them.

I am sure you have not heard this chatter since it is not a story meant for human ears. That is because it is beyond human abilities but not insects like the moth that can hear sounds of distress coming from a plant that is dehydrated.

Knowing this could change things if that moth decided to utilize that plant as future food for her eggs. She would want a healthy plant and while she can see this to a point, creatures like this use all their senses to determine actions.

Birds decide when to nest and lay eggs based on abundance in the garden and available food for their maturing babies. Insects come out of the ground and forage knowing when to do so and the most opportune time to avoid other predators.

Fungi in the ground provides necessary phosphorus and the plants donate carbon to the fungi so there is a lot of trading going on to help each other thrive. Fungi also knows by receiving messages from nearby plants when they need extra nutrients by listening to them.

Plants below ground also communicate with their neighbours through the roots and release volatile organic compounds to let them know there are harmful organisms nearby. They also release beneficial chemicals to help other plants.

And as with all living things, there is an energy field around plants. They use electrical signals to communicate above ground when it is necessary. Bees seem to be directed towards flowering plants at their peak which is another example of this.

All insects seem to respond to these signals and know when to direct their energies towards specific plants. The plants and insects work together to provide mutual rewards.